Keynote Speeches
From small gatherings of 20 to 30 people to national meetings with thousands of participants, Frank McNair is your first choice for content-rich keynotes and after-dinner speeches. Frank has worked with companies across the country to deliver on-target and effective presentations to energize, enlighten and entertain groups of all types.
All presentations are custom-tailored to the needs of your group and your situation. And Frank offers more than just a speech--your employee-team or your group members will learn something in the process of listening, and leave energized, invigorated and ready to achieve great things in the service of your goals.
How can Frank help you: with an annual meeting, an awards dinner, a banquet, or a convention? Email us and let us know the details of your event!
Here are some of the people Frank has worked with in the past:
Amarr Garage Doors -- National and International Sales Force
Battery Council International -- Worldwide Convention
Carolina Healthcare Systems -- Employee Recognition Banquet
Central Carolina Small Business Forum -- Annual Banquet
Ellison Windows and Doors -- National Sales Meeting
Ferrari North America -- National Dealer Sales Meeting
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation -- DSD Field Sales Group
Lawn and Landscape Management Magazine -- Management Conference
North Carolina Association of Electric Cooperatives -- Annual Meeting
North Carolina Girls’ State -- Annual Gathering
North Carolina Credit Union Network -- Annual Meeting
Oakwood Homes Corporation -- Field Sales Management Team
Sales and Marketing Executives, Durham, NC -- Monthly Meeting
Southern Building Materials Association -- Annual Convention
Wake Forest University -- LEAD Program -- Graduation Speaker
Wake Forest University -- Volunteer Service Corps -- Kick-Off Week-End
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools -- SLIDE Program